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3 Ways to Market Your Lake Bluff Home Online


Modern home buying is very much an online affair. Ensure your multimillion-dollar property possesses a robust digital presence to attract the right buyer.

In their 2020 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) found that 97% of home buyers utilized the internet to search for a home. 

Think about that. That's 97 out of every 100 people. 97% of anything translates into near-universal adoption. In other words, when someone, anyone starts a home search, it's a near certainty that at least a portion of it will be conducted online.

Including those looking for high-end luxury homes in Lake Bluff.

So how do you, the seller, ensure your home stands out in an increasingly crowded online marketplace? Here are three ways to market your Lake Bluff home online.

Partner with a digitally-savvy real estate agent

An agent or broker who's comfortable and savvy with using multiple forms of online media is an excellent partner to have during the home selling process. Seek out agents who themselves have a solid virtual presence and are well-versed in connecting buyers and sellers across digital channels and platforms.

The most sought-after agents are those who specialize in building a digital presence for their clients. From past campaigns and online listings, they have an understanding of what works and how best to position and promote your unique Lake Bluff residence. 

These same agents also bring deep connections and a mass of resources to your online listing. Photographers, videographers, stagers, and web developers — providers that do whatever it takes to craft a memorable online listing for your home. 

Standalone website

For homes as grand or majestic as those found in Lake Bluff, a standalone website makes a lot of sense. Offering more space to tell your property's story versus a basic online listing, a dedicated property website frames your home in more intimate details. 

You can highlight every selling point and amenity with unlimited photos, detailed videos and virtual tours, and elegant, descriptive copy that expands upon the finer points of your property.

Though a property landing page linked to your realtor's website will generate more traffic, a standalone URL will give you ultimate freedom with your online marketing. Whatever path you choose, be sure to link your new site to social media to maximize exposure.

Social media

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube all serve to increase your home's online visibility. In fact, due to their massive reach and unique user data capabilities, positioning your home on Facebook is just as critical as posting it on Trulia, Realtor, and Zillow.

Especially in the luxury segment, you can utilize Facebook's deep trove of user data to create ultra-specific ads that appeal to those homebuyers most likely to purchase your Lake Bluff home. An alternative is Instagram (which is owned by Facebook), which is beneficial for making a highly visual impact on would-be buyers. 

If you want to tap younger millennial buyers who are flush with cash and looking to make their first splashy home purchase, video-based platforms such as TikTok and YouTube breathe life into your home through short video clips.

Regardless of how you choose to market your listing online, a memorable digital presence starts with a visually appealing home. Cleaning, updating, and staging your property inside and out for photos, videos, and virtual tours will ensure it stands apart online.

Are you ready to sell your current North Shore home? Contact the Baker McNicholas Group today and let us be your guide to selling luxury homes in Lake Forest or Lake Bluff.



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